Sunday, June 15, 2008

daddy's girl

well, here we go. i never imagined that i of all people, would create a blog. i literally just sat down and decided to do this about 5 minutes ago. i have no idea where this will go. but, just like most everything else i seem to have done for the past several years, i will just press on and walk by faith and do this for You, for me, and for everyone i love.

so today is father's day. this is the first father's day in my 30 years, that i have not been able to wrap my arms around my dad and give him a huge hug. i hope you know that my heart is with you today, daddy. for the very reason that i am not with you today, is because of the confidence and independence that you instilled in me for as long as i can remember. thank you for believing in me. thank you for giving me wings. i am humbled today, by your love. i hope that i make you proud. what a day to have picked to start my blog. not that it should come as any surprise.

i have been asked the following question several times over the past 17 months..."do you ever worry about the fact that mia does not have a father?" and my official reply is..."never. mia has a father and many amazing male role models in her life and she always will. most importantly, mia has a heavenly Father who brought the two of us together as part of His perfect plan. i am not even the least bit concerned." today as i sit here and proudly still consider myself a daddy's girl, i vow to my sweet child, that she will know a father's love, her Father's love, and that is all that matters.

1 comment:

Kyle Burkholder said...

i can teach mia how not to drive at 16, how not to study in college, and how not to put together furniture.

oh, ya... she'll be fine.