Wednesday, July 30, 2008

good news

i got some good news this evening...mia's second set of labs came back completely normal. in fact, she even tested negative for hepatitis c this time. so basically that means she might not have even hepatitis c at all. the doctor said she may have tested positive the first time because her mother's antibodies may still be in her system. they want to retest her at 2 and 3 years old and see what those results look like. she did not want to get my hopes up but, i am SO relieved. just to know that my baby does not have hiv and to know that she has a good chance of not even having hepatitis c...i am ecstatic! thank you all for your prayers. i truly felt them. praise God!

our stefani

happy birthday to our stefani! we thank God for putting you in our lives today. you are a wonderful aunt and friend. we hope you know just how special you are to us today and always.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

we are fine!

it official! we've been through our first earthquake. we are fine. we live about 40 miles away from the epicenter. i was rocking mia to sleep for her afternoon nap when the house started shaking. at first i thought there was someone in the closet (childhood flashback!)...then i thought there was a work crew doing some heavy duty work outside...then it was over. all i could really think about during this time was, whatever is going on it better not wake up mia! i just got the rat to sleep! it was not until i went downstairs and saw my cell phone, which had a text from jeff asking if i was okay that i realized what had happened. jeff, you win. you were the first to check on me. who would have guessed architect's office was so up on things! mom, you were a close second! ;) so anyway. we are fine. i have talked to a few friends, and they had much more dramatic experiences. especially those who work in a high rise building. anyway. life goes on. overall, i don't think it was a big deal. but, the news would probably like you to think otherwise. i am enjoying all of the live interviews though. lots of people with plastic surgery, many foreigners, government workers trying to take the rest of the day off...haha! i was supposed to clean the kitchen but, forget that. this is good stuff.

Monday, July 28, 2008

i'll back you up

no matter what the outcome of the tests this matter what we have in store for us...He put us together. He already knows. He always will. He does not make mistakes. i'll back you up.

(many thanks to all of you out there who are praying. i feel you.)

Friday, July 25, 2008

a call for prayer

i wanted to let you know that mia had to have some tests done this week. while i do not have all of the results yet, some of the news was not the best. she tested positive for hepatitis c. her birth mother contracted it through her extensive drug use and apparently passed it on to mia. we went back in for more labs and are awaiting the results on those. i did find out that her liver is functioning normally at this time. so that is very good news because hepatitis c affects the liver.
the rest is still very much up in the air. in the meantime, i have been doing a lot of praying and researching as much as i can. i know that she is God's child. and no matter what else is ahead, i know that we will not go it alone. i know that the God who created her, is the same God who can come and restore her body to perfect health. i just ask you to pray for us. mostly, for me to remain as strong as i need to be and for mia to be well and without suffering. thank you. i will keep you posted.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

my tiny dancer

my girl's got talent, real talent. yep, i see bright things in her future. this is a sneak peek into our nightly routine. don't laugh...just kidding...laugh hysterically! you should! our evenings usually involve me finding a few of her favorite songs on and then she gets to dance until her playlist runs out. man, what did i do with myself before her? God is so good. thank you Lord for my tiny dancer. :)

Thursday, July 17, 2008


as you might imagine, i have been asked a few questions about foster parenting and adoption over the past 18 months. and don't get me wrong, i love the questions. i could sit and talk about adoption and the foster care system in this country for days. it makes me so proud to tell mia's story. but, someone asked me a question yesterday that really stuck with me.
the funny thing is, it was not even the first time i have been asked this exact question. and my answer has never changed. she asked me, "does it really feel like mia is your child, i mean really?" and i replied, "yes, 100%, from the first time i laid eyes on her, YES!" right mom? now this might not be true for every person who adopts. and i place no judgement on that. but, it's just some food for thought. i read a quote recently...
The family is changing, not disappearing. We have to broaden our understanding of it, look for the new metaphors. -Mary Catherine Bateson

i want to thank all of your opening your minds and your hearts and loving us. i know it seems like a no-brainer, but just when i think that everyone is like us, i find myself reminded that this is not yet a reality in our society. it hits me like a punch in the gut. i may hunch over for a second but, it doesn't take long to feel God's hand pick me up and stand me back up tall. and i know He works through each and every one of you as well. so i humbly thank you today and every day. :)

Monday, July 14, 2008


i had to take mia to the doctor today for her 18 month check-up. they made her wear this hospital gown and she looked so cute that i just had to take her picture. she wanted to pose by this poster before ripping it off of the door. but, more importantly, she wanted to send out a message... she wants you to know that even though she lives in california, she has not forgotten her roots. habla espanol?

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

my little helper

just another day in the life of me and my girl. somebody decided to help mom vacuum today. needless to say i had some more cleaning to do after that. we love and miss you...

Saturday, July 5, 2008

sweet sloane

happy birthday my sweet sloane! you are the apple of your auntie amy's eye. i love being your auntie. you are a precious girl. may God bless you today and always!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that frightens us. Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn't serve the world. There's nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.
- Nelson Mandela, inaugural address, written by Marianne Williamson